I was drinking my specialty coffee espresso tonic on ice. It was a hot summer day and I was in the mood for hipsteriade, but then I realized that not everyone is fortunate enough to be a hipster. Being a normie is a social and class problem.

Then my friend told me that we are in a coffee shop that was assisted by the city to tackle this exact problem. As a condition to rent the space, they have a cap on the price of espresso they can charge. Unfortunately my espresso tonic on ice did not have this feature, but it's a good first step. As you can see, voting in city election can have real impact on social problems!

Another thing that is causing the normie pandemic is the price of the latest iPhone, which is exclusively available to hipsters. I'll vote for a mayor who will force Apple stores in my city to sell iPhones for a price of normie Android smartphone in their lease.

Yes, we can make everyone a hipster!